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Hello there! Thanks for stopping by my shop. I'm Sarah, a young lady who loves the Lord and loves making quilts! I've been sewing for as long as I can remember- probably since I was 7 or 8 years old. I think back to some of my earlier creations and laugh! :) About eight years ago I made my first quilt, tracing my own pattern from a quilt on my parents' bed. I was so intrigued with their quilt and I would sit and stare at it, loving how all the pieces fitted together perfectly to form the different blocks that made up the quilt. Then one day I decided to trace the pieces on their quilt and make my own. So, I made my first quilt and I haven't stopped since! :) It just pushes my happy button SOO much to work with fabric and turn it into a lovely quilt. Throughout the years it has always been a dream of mine to start my own quilting business. In 2019 I made some baby quilts for my newborn niece and my cousin's baby, and I got the idea to start making and selling baby qu...

Sewing Tip

 Hey y'all! I thought I would jump on here with a simple, but helpful sewing tip that I've learned from experience throughout my years of sewing. Are you ready for it?? Okay, here it is...

Keep your machine cleaned and oiled!!

Sounds like a no-brainer, right? But that's not normally what we think of doing first when we start having issues with our machine. And a lot of times that is all that the trouble is- a dirty machine! I remember a few years ago my sewing machine that I used then started skipping stitches and just making a mess of the stitches. I did everything I knew to do (re-threaded it, got a new needle, etc...) but nothing changed. Then I decided to take it apart and give it a good cleaning/oiling since I hadn't done that in a while. There ended up being some lint stuck on one part, and after I cleaned it all up the machine began sewing normal again!

A couple of weeks ago my new machine that I got a couple of months ago began running rough and not stitching well. I remembered that I hadn't cleaned it since I had gotten it, and I discovered it was REALLY dirty! See?

There is something so satisfying about getting all that lint cleaned out! :D Now my sewing machine is back to running great again. So, don't underestimate the importance of regularly cleaning your machine (and I'm preaching to myself here!).

Happy sewing!


  1. Ahhh, SUCH a good tip, Sarah!! Cleaning is definitely something I'm afraid I have neglected on my machine, so thank you for pointing this out. :[ Keep up the great posts!!

    1. Thank you, Martha Joy! It was great seeing your comment come through!


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